Julia Cunningham

Its the little things...

Julia Cunningham1 Comment

You probably know I have been making keyrings over the past couple of weeks and I have been having my eyes tested too. My eyes are fine but I am treating myself to new glasses. I wear them everyday and I am not always the most careful with them!! Oh and I am getting two pairs so i can look different when I go out and about. Well thats what I am telling myself when in fact the reason might be that it will be easier to find the first pair I have lost, when I wear the second pair. My glasses are just one of those things i put down and loose from time to time and it can be a great impromptu family treasure hunt.

This brings me to the keyrings which I make to use up all my small bits of fabric along with up-cycled leather from www.aeroleatherclothing.com . These are just small things but have a huge job of keeping track of our precious keys. We never really give our keys that much thought until we cant find them, its only then we appreciate just how important they are to us as they do unlock our worlds. They also lock and keep those worlds safe. Not sure about you, but again another small item that I can easily loose track off.